Norris Lake Construction

Home Builder in Speedwell TN

Home Builder in Speedwell TN

Find a Norris Lake home builder in Speedwell, TN. Norris Lake Construction offers quality home building services for new construction including lakefront homes, lake view homes, vacation homes, log cabins, retirement retreats, investment vacation rentals and more! Choose from a variety of lake house plans designed to fit your lifestyle and needs! We can build your home on an existing lot at any of the Norris Lake communities or subdivisions in Speedwell, TN including Blue Springs Hollow, Flat Hollow, Overlook Bay, Powell River Estates and Timberlake Estates.

Norris Lake Construction

Let our team of knowledgeable lake professionals share with you their hundreds of years of combined experience — living, working, designing and building on Norris Lake. Don't risk just letting a architect design your house and have just anyone build it. Norris Lake Construction will work hand in hand with your architect to make sure we get the most out of every lot we build on. It's our love and passion for this great lake that drives us to get everything we can out of every opportunity.

View our existing lake house plans and make your dreams on Norris Lake a reality! Modifications are accepted on color choices, layout, floor plan dimensions, etc. Purchase your own lake lot or select a pre-built lake house for sale on Norris Lake. Custom upgrades available. We build anything, anywhere, anytime!

Norris Lake Real Estate for sale

There is no greater time than now to purchase your dream lake lot at Norris Lake, Tennessee. Norris Lake Construction can help build your dream vacation home as well as provide you with the knowledge and expertise to find the right lot for you. Not all home sites are the same. Learn what lake properties are great building sites and offer the best value over time that can save you money in the long run. Be sure to ask the seller if the lot you are purchasing also includes a TVA permit for a dock.

If you are in the market search for lake property on Norris Lake, be sure to sign-up for our FREE Norris Lake Property Tours.

Norris Lake Lots for Sale in Speedway, TN

The data below provides the latest real estate listings on Norris Lake lots for sale in Speedwell, TN. Norris Lake lots average in size starting from 0.65 acres with prices starting at $32k.

4 lots Jones Ridge Rd Speedwell TN31.50Timber Lake 2$399,900.001246386
348 Wagon Lane Speedwell TN0.54Horseshoe Bend$285,000.001292115
lots 1&2 Jones Ridge Rd Speedwell TN11.60Timber Lake 2$239,900.001246400
3650 Back Valley Rd Speedwell TN3.00$210,000.001273155
 Wagon Lane Speedwell TN0.50Horseshoe Bend$140,000.001291474
lot 3 Jones Ridge Rd Speedwell TN9.20Timber Lake 2$129,900.001246398
TBD Lake Hollow Rd Speedwell TN0.66$129,000.001291816
lot 9 Jones Ridge Rd Speedwell TN10.70Timber Lake 2$99,900.001246392
Lot 10 Jones Ridge Rd Speedwell TN10.20Timber Lake Estates Phase 2$80,500.001220814
 Saddleridge Drive Speedwell TN2.00$75,000.001214257
TBD LOT 69 Saddleridge Drive Speedwell TN1.48Overlook Bay$69,900.001292588
Lot 5 Jones Ridge Rd Speedwell TN7.50Timber Lake Estates 2$68,000.001220787
Lot172&173 Saddleridge Drive Speedwell TN6.26Overlook Bay$64,900.001258513
Lot 7 Jones Ridge Rd Speedwell TN5.20Timber Lake Estates 2$56,700.001220798
 Cabin Rd Speedwell TN3.25$55,000.001260398
 Harness Lane Speedwell TN1.29Overlook Bay$45,900.001244225
Lot 173 Saddleridge Drive Speedwell TN4.14Overlook Bay$44,900.001258516
 Lot 147 Saddle Ridge Drive Speedwell TN1.29Overlook Bay$35,000.001291563
 Hueston Wood Lane Speedwell TN0.16$34,900.001278196
 Saddleridge Drive Speedwell TN3.05Overlook Bay$29,900.001237736
 Straight Branch Rd Speedwell TN0.24$24,900.001266100
Lot 172 Saddleridge Drive Speedwell TN2.12Overlook Bay$24,900.001258515
Lot 25 Horseshoe Bend  Speedwell TN1.19Overlook Bay$24,900.001259307
135 Saddleridge Drive Speedwell TN1.60Overlook Bay$24,500.001265177
Lot 93 Saddle Ridge Drive Speedwell TN1.04Overlook Bay S/D$19,900.001238475

Data provided by Norris Lake Living

Call Norris Lake Construction today at (423) 735-3535 and find out more details to get started on making your dream a reality!

It's no secret life on Norris Lake is where memories are made! Norris Lake Construction can custom build you a lake home and make your dreams come to life! No one builds a custom lake house the way we do!

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Norris Lake Construction

209 Fincastle Rd
Lafollette, TN, 37766
Telephone: (423) 737-3535

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